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Active Probiotic ND 50
Active Probiotic combines nine species of beneficial probiotic microorganisms from non-dairy sources with a prebiotic fiber for optimal support of the GI system. Keeping the GI system healthy and in balance has been associated with improvements in whole-body health.

ADK & ADK 10
ADK is a combination of vitamins A, D3, and K2. This combination of vitamins has been recognized at able to promote health for the whole body by boosting immune function, bone density, and cardiovascular function.
$44 & $53

DIM 150
Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a natural compound found in the body after breaking down vegetables like broccoli and kale. DIM helps the body to metabolize estrogen more effectively and free testosterone from binding agents. Overall, DIM helps support hormone health in those undergoing HRT and those that are aging.

EvexiPEL Complete
EVX Complete is the ultimate companion to HRT. It contains DIM, sulforaphane, COQ10, Methylated B Vitamins, Vitamin A, Primavie, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, & Vitamin E. All of these help boost the effects of HRT and support overall health and wellness.

GI Guard
GI Guard is a mix of minerals and nutrients that help to support a healthy gut and immune system. It has been expertly developed to help the gut cultivate a healthy balance of bacteria by supporting and repairing the protective mucosal barrier in the intestinal lining.

HRT (T) Complete
HRT Complete contains DIM, sulforaphane, COQ10, & Methylated B Vitamins, all of which help support hormone health and overall wellness. HRT Complete gives your hormone therapy a boost that regular DIM by itself doesn’t.

Iodine Complete
Iodine is an essential nutrient that plays a role in preventing and treating a wide range of diseases and conditions. It is also necessary for producing and balancing thyroid hormone and other hormones, including testosterone and estrogen.

Methyl Support
This supplement is loaded with highly bioavailable nutrients that help to support various methyl groups. Methylation is the process revolving around methyl groups, and is an essential process that contributes to the health of immune cells, DNA, proteins, hormones, enzymes, and cellular membranes.

Multi-Mineral D3 Ultra
This supplement contains Vitamin D3, and a few extra minerals that contribute to optimal body health. This supplement helps to support bone density, free radical response, energy production, blood pressure maintenance, thyroid hormone production, and the metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.

Omega Plus
This supplement combines highly concentrated fish oil with vitamin D3 to support critical functions and whole body health. This combination helps to fight inflammation and support a wide variety of bodily functions.
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