Available at Spring.
PRP hair restoration is a cutting edge treatment that uses your own growth factors to stimulate hair growth and prevent further hair loss. Our phlebotomist draws a small amount of your blood, and we spin it in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the rest of your blood. That PRP is then injected into your scalp in areas of hair thinning/loss.
As always, consultations are free.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is the portion of your blood made up of liquid (the plasma) and platelets, a type of cell that plays a vital role in healing throughout the body. Platelets contain certain growth factors that can trigger cell reproduction, tissue reproduction, and healing. To get PRP, we draw your blood and spin it in a centrifuge to separate the different parts. The liquid plasma is then drawn up and used for the injections.
After the PRP is separated from the rest of your blood and drawn up, our nurse practitioner injects it into the parts of your scalp with thinning or missing hair. The mechanism of why PRP encourages growth is not well understood, but it is believed to be because the PRP has a high concentration of growth factors.
PRP hair restoration is a good option for those with sections of thinning or small patches of baldness. It is not effective for complete baldness or “shiny” baldness, where there is absolutely no growth.
This treatment does involve several needle sticks and a blood draw. The scalp injections are described as uncomfortable but brief, and there is usually no lasting pain and minimal soreness. Most people describe the treatment as uncomfortable but tolerable.
Our treatments are sold in packages of three, as this is generally the recommended number of treatments needed to see optimal results. Additional treatments may be purchased separately if needed.
You will typically begin to see results after a few weeks, but it can take up to three months after the final treatment to see the full results. Keep in mind that while PRP encourages new hair growth, it is not a permanent solution. You will continue to see the same hair loss if the treatments are not kept up every six to twelve months.
Drink plenty of water the few days leading up to your treatment to ensure a successful blood draw. Wash your hair and scalp thoroughly the day before your treatment.
Your scalp my be sore and irritated for a day or two after the treatment. Avoid vigorous exercise, sun exposure, and increased heat exposure for a few days after treatment. Do not take NSAIDs for pain relief due to the increased risk of bleeding. You may take Tylenol.



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