Retaining muscle is essential to healthy living. Natural aging and the use of weight loss medications can both contribute to the loss of muscle mass. The best way to prevent this is by weight resistant exercise and a diet high in protein. The second best way is through Accufit; a quick, effective treatment for building and enhancing muscle tone.

Loss of muscle mass due to aging is called sarcopenia, and affects almost everyone. Muscle mass decreases approximately 3-8% per decade after the age of 30, increasing the risk of falls and disability in older adults. Sarcopenia is natural and without intervention will affect everyone.
The causes of sarcopenia are not well understood, but there are several changes at the cellular level that have been observed. In addition, testosterone decrease in men and estradiol decrease in women due to natural aging has been shown to have an affect on sarcopenia. There are several other declines that affect sarcopenia that are not well understood, but have been observed. Additionally, declines in physical activity that come with age also decrease your ability to build new muscle.
The loss of muscle mass leads to several complications, including weakness, loss of mobility, and a greater chance of falls and fractures. While it may take many years for these adverse effects to accumulate, the earlier you combat muscle loss, the more likely you are to avoid any adverse effects at all.
A diet high in protein and an exercise routine that emphasizes weight resistance training is key to preventing age-related muscle loss. In addition to this, we offer the Accufit, a quick and comfortable treatment that engages and grows muscle fibers without the need for exercise.
Yes! Even in older adults, muscle fibers stay plastic and responsive to stimuli. This means that even through advanced ages, it is still possible to build muscle.