Fine lines & wrinkles are a natural part of aging, but they can be exacerbated by other factors, such as sun damage, smoking or vaping, and collagen loss. We offer several treatments that can prevent, treat, and reverse fine lines and wrinkles!

As you age, your body naturally loses its ability to rapidly replace collagen and skin cells. Because of this, the natural, repetitive movements of your face begin to cause folds in the skin that deepen and become more prominent over time. Fine lines & wrinkles will first start to appear around the areas that see the most movement, like crow’s feet around the eyes, vertical lines between the brows, and smile lines around the mouth.
Fine lines & wrinkles will eventually happen to all skin types at some point, but you can delay their formation by wearing sunscreen, using antioxidants to prevent environmental pollution, and keeping your skin hydrated.
We have numerous treatments for fine lines & wrinkles, including microdermabrasion & chemical peels to exfoliate the upper layers of skin and encourage new growth, laser skin resurfacing to promote collagen growth, Botox & Dysport to prevent muscle contraction and eliminate dynamic wrinkles, and hyaluronic acid fillers that can be used to plump the skin beneath wrinkles.
Fine lines are the superficial, shallow lines that form in expression areas often as the first signs of aging. Fine lines often become wrinkles as your skin loses elasticity and firmness. Wrinkles are more deep set lines, and can be visible with facial movement and without.
Sunscreen (like Revision’s Intellishade) and antioxidant serums (like Revision’s C+ Correcting Complex) are essential for preventing damage from the sun and environmental pollutants. Retinoids are also essential for skin cell turnover, and are proven to help reduce the visible signs of aging, like fine lines & wrinkles.
Dynamic wrinkles are lines that appear when you make facial expressions–like smiling, frowning, and laughing–but disappear shortly after. Static wrinkles are lines that are visible even when you are not making an expression. Over time, dynamic wrinkles can become static wrinkles. Only dynamic wrinkles are treatable by injectables like Botox and Dysport; static wrinkles must be treated by fillers or more invasive treatments, like a facelift.